so awhile back i picked up a barber hone on ebay, like $10, maybe $15 with shipping. anyway, i tried to put a hone back on a couple of 'extras' i bought around the same time. then i learned about real honing. i was so sure that i wasted my moolah. another dust collector.

one of the 'extras' i picked up was a genco, close to shave ready. i shaved with it, but it pulled. i decided to play again for the last 45 min waiting on laundry. put about 30 strokes on the barber hone, about 40 laps strop, and started popping hairs on the last half of the blade. getting there, where i never thought i would get. back to the barber hone with enthusiasm, careful not to put to much pressure. light strokes. another 40 or so strokes, 30 on the strop, popping hairs on my arm!! the whole blade!!

i am not the honemeister, however i am starting to think that if i can get a sharp blade, i may do better at keeping the edge now. i will shave with it tonight and give an update tomorrow.
