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    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    Default Pockmarked Norton 4K

    Hi, I am new here, been lurking for the past few months, relay glad I found this site. now I just have to ask a question, my post is long but please be patient.

    Recently acquired Norton 4/8K and 220/1K hones, but I think the 4K is… well “not normal” I have some pix.

    The first is the Norton 4K, the other for comparison is the 1K.
    The 1K is smooth and blemish free but the 4K seems to have “pot holes”
    I put one of those single edge industrial razors in the pix so you get an idea of the texture of the hone.
    Even the camera couldn’t get good focus on the 1K because it so smooth but no problem with auto focus on the 4K as you can see.

    I lapped the other 3 grits with no problems. Even tried a progressive lapping approach…. 600 grit -> 1000 grit -> 2k grit sand paper but this 4K is just stubborn. No matter what I do I can’t get it smooth. It will put a bevel on the razor (with a very jagged edge) but I feel it could do better.

    The 1K is smoother to the touch than this 4K

    Lately I have been thinking that I should “skip” the 4K and go straight to the 8K from the 1K when restoring a razor’s edge but that’s like skipping 3rd gear when driving stick shift.

    Question: Is this normal for a Norton 4K or do I have a bad one.

    Thanks for your help
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