I just wanted to know how many out there touch their razor up daily with a coticule or other high grit honing item? I have heard that honing only needs to be done once every few months or so, but I find that shaves right off the hone (and stropped of course) are much better than those when I just strop an unhoned blade (even if it is the second shave after honing). Does a few laps on a dry coticule before each shave constitute overhoning? Will it damage the blade or cause a NOTICEABLE decrease in the life of the blade?

I wouldn't say that the blade is dulling too quickly, I still get a good shave even after a week of daily shaves without honing, but I really like that sharp sharp edge - however I don't want to do something that will wear the razor out prematurely or damage the blade/bevel/etc.