I've got my edge to look pretty darn smooth under 100X magnification and fairly consistent in sharpness across the length.

I'm getting extremely smooth shaves with the grain and against except for minor pulling when I'm doing funny angles around my mouth.


Using 2 passes and touchups BBS seems to be avoiding me. It's an acceptable shave but not a great one. My technique is improving and I no longer nick myself and I'm not trying to peal my face.

I would have never even noticed if I was still using the Mach 3 but I keep hoping for a great shave.

Lesson #1 - no bevel = no edge took a while to learn but it was a matter of logic.

Lesson #2 - you don't have to hone the spine to sharpen the edge was a matter of listening to Joe C and sticking a piece of tape on it and seeing that I didn't have to work that hard. (not sharper than #1 but a lot less damaging)

Lesson #3 - a light touch makes a big difference in the polishing phase
(major improvement in sharp)


I've been doing my sunday touch-ups on my blades with my chinese 12k and the 3m .5 micron chromium paper then finishing up with the strop.

The 100x microscope has the edge looking very consistent in scratch pattern.

I haven't been using the HHT and have mostly been testing sharp with my thumb pad. I think I need a higher order test than my thumb at this point.

(in advance) Yes I have ordered Lynn's video.

I intend to check my tools (lap stones) - 4/8K , swaty, 12k.

So honemiesters, What is Lesson #4?
