So I have decided to try my hand at honing (even though I swore to myself that I wouldn't go down this path), but I am quite confused as to what to get.

First off, let me say that I won't be doing any restoration or putting a brand new edge on a razor. The razors I will be buying well either come from here and be shave-ready, or I'll order them from somewhere like Classic and get the honing service.

So really, I just need to be able to keep a shave-ready razor sharp. And if I happen to ding the edge, I'd like to be able to fix that as well (small dings only). I've read various threads that have said a pasted strop is the way to go for this, but I'd really prefer to learn to hone.

So, what hones would you recommend I get in order to be able to maintain my shave-ready edges and keep them sharp all the time? I'm very confused with DMTs and Spydercos and barber's hones and coticules, etc. Thanks.