Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
... in approx. 50 strokes (mind you this is straight from the factory, and the cutting power may decline a bit with use). But, most importantly, it didn't destroy the edge that was already in good condition; I think the aggressive diamond tooth may have reduced the potential for a wire edge by really abrading everything off that isn't the main piece of steel.
This is good to know. My limited experience has been similar. Before getting a 6 x 2 DMT 1200 (after reading most of Heavyduty's posts on the importance of initial bevel setting - I have to say this has got to be the best $20 I have spent!), I had started on a few slightly dull razors with only the D8EE. While capable of doing so, it also wore off more of the spine than I'd like in the process. I may be wrong, but I think the 1200 preferencially cuts the softer, thinner edge faster and I get a great bevel with much fewer strokes and much less spine wear.

Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post

The drawback that I experienced with the D8EE is that there really is no "easing up" on the abrasion, every stroke cuts as fast as every other no matter how much water/soap there is or isn't on the hone. ...But if you're going to use a finishing stone, as I do, this is not a problem.
Thanks. This pretty much answers my question. I don't mind the less finished edge, since I finish on a Spyderco UF most of the time.