I have a TI 5/8 super gnome, and for some reason I cannot get it sharp using my stones. I do have 4 sided tm paddle strop (3,1,0.5,0.25 micron diamond paste) which seems to work fine, so I want to use that instead.

However I tend to overhone and I do not know how to undo that other than by a few back-first strokes on the stone. I have read the tips about drawing it through a cork, the thumbnail or a wooden match, however none of these work (i can see the wire-edge both before and after doing these, even with 5 strokes... - using more pressure does not seem to have an effect ... )

Does anyone know of a way other than those mentioned above ? If I go back to the hone it gets really dull, to the point where it cannot cut a hair unless it is held at both ends and forced onto the edge... this does not seem to happen with any of my other razors ... my dovo black star will almost pass the hht off the hone, as will an ancient John Barber I've got ...

(I'm using what I believe to be an old thuringen/escher barber hone: charcoal grey stone that yields a light slightly bluish grey slurry...)