Hi guys!

I am a honing noob and I'm trying to hone up my first razor to shave ready but are having some problem.
I have the Norton 4k/8k and a stop with Thiers Issard Paste.

The razor that im working with is a pretty sharp one,but not quite SR. It's not passing the HHT and when i lay it flat on my arm(like when I'm honing) it cuts some hair but not very much,not the "popping" I have heard of. If i raise the edge slightly from my arm it cuts even less hair, almost no hair.

Another problem I'm having is when I use the TPT it feels like the edge is sharper towards the toe than the heel.

I know the real sharpness test is shaving, I tried and it was'nt very nice..=(

Any tips and comments are welcome..Maybe I'm to afraid of overhoning and should work more with the 4k?
