I'm new to honing but I'm looking to take this extra step. My shaving is consistent and so is my stropping. So I figured it might be time to start honing my own blades. I even bought an eBay special to give me some motivation for buying stones... as if I would need motivation!
For the past few days I've seen some threads emerging and generating some discussion over the Belgian Blue and the Yellow Coticule... These threads have confirmed my assumption that these hones could be a good basis for a moderate budget honing kit.
So this is what I'm thinking of:
1) DMT 1200 for bevel setting
2) Belgian Blue
3) Yellow Coticule.
4) Barber hone or strop pasted with Chromium Oxide
I've read a couple of solutions and progressions that seem to be a good bet and the fact that these are natural stones - the belgians, f course... - appeal to me. And they seem to be more than enough for the maintenance of properly honed razors that happen to loose their keenness being the reach of a barber hone.
I suppose that a Chinese 12K could be a good finishing stone but I've tried the edge off a Coticule and it seemed about right...
What are your thoughts on this?