I must admit that there is something very pleasing to my eye about the look of a round point with hone wear. Well to be more precise, a nice and sharp carbon steel round point with hone wear. It has to be carbon so that there is a nice petina on the parts of the blade that do not touch a hone. I'm not talking about really horrible, uneven wear though.

I feel it's more visually visceral if that even makes sense. Like I can see how the blade was laid on the hone and brought to a razor sharp edge. It's not a feeling I get with my non-round points, or even those round points without the petina. Hey, call me crazy but I just wanted to throw that out there.

Does anyone else out there have any unexplainable feelings towards aspects of straight razors?

Also, I put this here since it's relating to hone wear but if it's out of place I have no problem with it being moved.