Quote Originally Posted by FloorPizza View Post
Man, I hope you're able to whip that Puma into shape. There's a good reason you don't find them on ebay very often...they are fantastic shavers.
i have another one that is identical but the scales are broken and the strange corrosion is deeper into the blade unfortunately. it is next and i think i will give it some aluminum scales as i have some aluminum sitting around. maybe bead blast a neat design into them, something simple though. BTW i broke the scales, not on purpose but they were pretty warped so i was flexing them back just to see how flexible they were and bam the one broke. totally my fault, but i figure considering the amount of material i have to take off to get past the corrosion the thing won't be a huge money maker as far as sales go, so i might as well use it as something to play around with rescaling wise.

unfortunately my beard doesn't grow fast enough to have used it again yet, i am going to go back to the 8k and then the CrOx and then hit the linen (which i don't always do) and then the Leather. i don't think i have any micro chipping from your description. i can't wait to get this thing going.