I chipped one of my Japanese Straights. Just a wee chip, but its right in the middle of the edge, so it needs to come out before I can shave with this razor again. And I LOVE this razor.

Anyway, the only hone I have is a Shapton 16k, and while it was recommended that I use 1000 grit sandpaper to get the chip out first, I just decided to hunker down and get busy with the 16k Shapton to see if I could hone it out with that alone...

Well, its working. A couple of issues though, firstly its taken me hours to get it to the point where its really almost honed out the chip. Secondly, I've shaved a lot of metal off of this blade and its turning the surface of my Shapton to a light gray.

I'm wondering if this can hurt the hone. Also, do I need to get the filings out of the mesh? If so, whats the best way to do that?

I'd really like to avoid shelling out more cash if I can avoid it. If necessary I suppose I could, but I'd like to not do that.

Oh yea, and this is a brand new Shapton, right out of the box. It hasn't been lapped and I have nothing to lap with...