I'm curious what you guys do with regard to taping the spine when you receive a shave ready razor that meets your standards initially (so you don't touch it up), but after months of use, it needs a touchup. Do you always make sure to ask the person who honed the razor when you buy it if the spine was taped (and how many layers, etc?) Do you just choose your preferred method (taped or not) and set the bevel again?

And going a little further, how about amongst your own collection, when you get to have dozens of razors, do you really remember which you taped and which you didn't? Do you keep a logbook? Or do you treat everyone fresh everytime and check / set the bevel every touchup?

I'm asking because I'm getting into honing quite a few razors (from ebay) and on the nicer, minimal hone wear razors, I'm taping the spine, and on the ones with some wear I'm not, but I'm not sure that in a year I'll truly remember which I did which way. I'm also curious when the time comes to touch up some of the shave ready razors I've acquired exactly how I'll handle that (I have no idea if the spine was taped by the original people).