Hey guys,

I recently got my DMT 1200 to use in combination with my belgian blue and yellow coticule.

Following Bart's Wiki I tried to set the bevel on the dmt followed byt the blue with slurry then the yellow with plain water.

The razor shaves but it's not comfortable at all. THe blade skips on the face a bit and gives a weird feeling uncommon to my previous experience with this Dovo Tortoise.

I did sooooo many passes on the DMT. The blade feels sharp but I'm not sure if it qualifies for passing the TNT test.

After that I did about 200 passes on the blue with slurry followed by the same amount on the coticule with water.

I don't really feel like the blue is doing anything to be honest. Could the razor be overhoned? Is the bevel not set properly?

Help please....