I have a question for those in the know. I have been using a barber hone for sharpening and have been getting much better at honing. Although none of my razors are at the desired scary sharp state yet, I am getting the razors to a very shaveable level.

Someone in another thread wrote about the diamond compounds. He mentioned that the amount of soap in the lather used on a barber hone affects the sharpening qualities of that hone. So how does this work out in practice-- does more soap in the lather mean more of a polish and less mean a faster, more coarse cut? How would one use this feature of barber hones to best effect?

I have been happy with the pyramid method of honing (i.e.: 5-15, 10-15, etc.), so could I use heavy soap lathers as a final polishing as some use the diamond paste strops? Just curious, esp. because I would like to enjoy the advantages offered by use of the diamond paste without the need for buying a new strop and the paste. Thanks for any information and hope I'm not just competely misunderstanding this whole issue. Bob