Quote Originally Posted by gary haywood View Post
I have a 3 line american hone i won it on ebay it belonged to a barber but sadly he passed away and never used it so mine is brand new but same as you jimmy i have never used it i have lapped it i have so many coti and now naniwa 12k its choosing which one to use for touch ups i also have the usaul paste. I f your edge edge is not performing would you normally go to ch.5 for a thew laps and if that did'nt do the trick then go to say barber hone or coti 12k etc. did you use paste after barber hone and whats the egde like to say your coticule if you had of used that for touching up edge.
Gary, the "ch.5" ? I don't understand your meaning. If you're referring to 0.5 diamond paste the answer is maybe. In general I have gotten more razors so often that I always have a backlog to hone. I try them after I hone them and if they aren't there yet I may resort to paste or diamond spray .... or chrom ox in between the first and second pass.

I shave with so many different razors that I haven't had to touch one up from using it a lot. Now what I have been doing lately is going back to razors that I honed when I first started out. Some that could have been better honed to begin with and playing around with them on barber hones and or a four sides paddle strop.

I'm finding that those things do work and work well given a chance. There appears to be a learning curve with those as well. At least for me. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks and I am no exception.