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  1. #1
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Default Hones

    What do you guys think about listing the different kinds and names of hones you have and then speaking to the positives and negatives of each. I know we talk about Norton's and the Belgium Coticule frequently, but we usually speak of Barber Hones generically. There has been some Swaty discussion. This might make for a neat thread. I'm gonna start looking and listing the names of my Barber Hones if they have one on them. Actually, I may just list all the names to compare what everyone has out there. Lynn

  2. #2
    Senior Member jmsbcknr's Avatar
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    I think this is a great idea. I have a Shapton 15K that I recently bought as a step down from the 8K Norton. When I need to use something a bit more than the .5 micron but less than the 8K to bring the edge back to super sharp, I start with the Shapton. It works wonderfully.


  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I originally started out with an assortment of old barbers hones, honemaster, swaty's, its a peach, little devil but really could never really get a good edge with any of them though in those days I was just starting out and lacked experience. Then I switched to a Norton 4K/8K and that has been the standard to judge everything else by. Then I added a japanese 15k waterstone which really puts a mirror finish on the blade. Recently I added a couple Corticules yellow and blue but haven't used them enough to really form an opinion yet though they look like they do a great job.

    I have enough razors in my rotation that I don't have to hone too often. Usually a very few passes on the 8K and a few minutes on the 15K and they're back to snuff.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Okay, I'm new, I'm least I hope I'm learning. I have several shave ready razors I have picked up. I understand using a strop will be sufficient for now. BUT, I want to develop proper honing skills. Having said that, if I have an "ebay special" that needs a lot of work, what should I start with and walk through the steps. I understand this will have to be somewhat generic, but I think (hope) I am smart enough to put 2 and 2 together here.


  5. #5
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    There are more than two numbers to put together on that equation, Randy. The Norton 4K/8K combination stone IS THE instrument of choice. It cuts well and some say it has the surface area necessary for you to understand your stroke. I use it and can get some response from my razors after having been honing for a month or so now, whereas the barber hones still mystify me. There's also more guys around here who use the Norton too so you'll get more ideas.

    I think a flatbed leather honing strop and some paste(s) is a good idea too.


  6. #6
    Senior Member halwilson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman
    There are more than two numbers to put together on that equation, Randy. The Norton 4K/8K combination stone IS THE instrument of choice. It cuts well and some say it has the surface area necessary for you to understand your stroke. I use it and can get some response from my razors after having been honing for a month or so now, whereas the barber hones still mystify me. There's also more guys around here who use the Norton too so you'll get more ideas.

    I think a flatbed leather honing strop and some paste(s) is a good idea too.

    Hi Xman,

    I have a Norton combo as well, and yes it is a fine tool. However, I prefer to use classic barber hones. With regard to your comments, I would like to add that after learning to hone using a 4K/8K Norton, I'm not at all surprised that barber hones still mystify you. They are an entirely different kettle of fish, designed exclusively for bringing up a keen edge on these fine shaving instruments we all love to use. Those who want to see an excellent demonstration of how a professional barber uses these classic hones, see Greg Ives' video _The Lost Art of Straight Razor Shaving_. (Note that he has used the same combo barber hone for the past twenty years!). This is where I got my original inspiration. For myself, learning to hone with these classic hones is very much part of learning this lost art, every bit as much as learning to shave with a straight.

    Hal (your classic barber hone apologist)
    Last edited by halwilson; 09-14-2005 at 06:04 AM.

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