
I have a question wether to buy or not a Norton 4000/8000 stone. After reading this forum for some time i've been thinking to buy one but still bit curious if i need it or not.

This far i've sharpened my 3 SR's with the same stones i use for regular tool sharpening. First i make the bevel with some unnamed rough waterstone and then move to Japanese Cerax 1k waterstone. This is the phase that takes most of the time i use for honing. After 1k i move to Cerax 3k, then King 6k. It doesn't take much time on these, but lastly i finish with Chinese 12k, and that takes some time again. With all the stones i use the spine taped. Then its's time to remove the tape, strop and the razors are very sharp.

Would there be any advantages to purchase a Norton 4/8 or will i just get too Hi-Fi and my money lost?