I just got a pike and co barber hone of ebay it only cost me £3.75 deliverd it was in great condition i lapped just to make sure i use a coticule and thats it nower days. I have a shave ready razor i dulled it with one swipe on glass i wanted to try it it out as hi bud always goes on about how good barbers hone is for touch ups. The razor would not shave arm hair and tpt i could slide my thumb across edge with out cutting into my skin. five pases and the tpt responded realy well i did another five and the edge feels realy sticky this thing must cut quik as i can now shave arm hair so easy i did a tfurther 5 passes and the edge is fine aprt from very tip of toe which i must of dulled more but i'm sure a thew more strokes would work. How do barber hones do this they feel so smooth and like there is nothing happening?

its early days for me i have got this hone to take to austrailia with me as travel hone but i may use it more often. i don't no how the shave would feel of this hone but i'm sure it would be fine.