Hello there gents!

I'm sure most of you more experienced s/r shavers out there, who have made this your hobby, must be getting tired of all of us young pups, still in college, looking for cheap solutions. But I have another question regarding a cheap solution to touch up a razor.

I have a 5/8 Double Arrow that was given to me shave ready. I used it, probably close to a dozen times before the tug became too much, I am almost certain my raw stropping technique played some into that. Since then, I have had to revert back to my shavette and just fine I do not enjoy it as much, not to mention those corners are just not forgiving at all.

What would be the best, cheap (i.e.: as close to free as I can get ) option for a young college student with 3 kids to get this razor back into shaving order?

Thanks for all your advise. This really is the best community on the net!! :