I bought one of these that is new in the box. It has two different grits to it and the instructions read as follows:

"Extremely Fine Finishing Honing is assured on the dark side of this hone if you draw blade from hone with only an inch or less forward motion. Then strop razor a few strokes lightly on your leather strop.
In all sharpening and stropping of razors it should be remembered you are handling 10,000 very small delicate teeth. An edge that gives only the sensaton of smoothness when shaving can be uniformly and quickly produced by following above directions.
The light colored side of this hone will be found very valuable for quickly getting very dull edges into condition for final or finish honing. Both sides are excellent used dry. Lather or water may be used if desired."

I thought the inch of motion line was interesting. Anybody care to shed some lighton this statement as well as the dry nature of this hone. Also, how fine is it compared to other popular hones?
