Hey all,
I posted the the razor thread about a "new" razor that I got. I inherited her from my grandad. I used newspaper to strop it up a little and it shaved. Not well mind you, but it did get rid of most of the hair on my face. Well today I went and bought a 4K/8K Norton stone from a local shop. I had already watched/read a lot about it- so I rewatched lynn's video on honing then went to work. I used a 5/5, 3/3, 3/5, 1/5 pyramid on it, since it was already in decent shape (just needed a little work.) I certainly feels MUCH sharper, but it still does not pass the hanging hair test.
I have read on these forums that the only test that matters is the "shave test", but I am sort of a perfectionist and I want my blade to be perfect too.
I know I am new to honing, but I followed the steps and I think I did a pretty decent job.
Anyone have any ideas why it shouldn't pass the test?