If you really thought that you were going to get a great, or even decent, shave off of your first honing session, then you have seriously underestimated what the honemeisters have gone through to develop (I could have said "hone" ) their skills.

The numbers in the pyramids are a basic starting point. They are not a magic formula. Most critically, their efficacy is dependent upon the starting condition of the razor. They also are impacted by the honing ability of the user. If this was your first honing ever, then you might have trashed your edge during the honing.

Another possibility is that you neglected to lap the 4k before using it. Because of the way the 4k hone is manufactured, the outermost layer has a tendency to have a coarse grit embedded in its outermost layer. If you did not lap the 4k, then this grit might have chewed up your edge.