I have a question about my honing. I enjoy the honing and love the idea of doing it all from getting ride of the rust to getting it ready to shave. Im a new guy but have worked on alot of tools and have watched all the videos on honing a sr so I think i can get it done. Im taking a break from working on a razor now. On previous trys I think I rushed to get to the next stone never getting the bevel set to start with. This time i was not going to do that and im makeing good progress. Im on the 1k stone still and hone and check hone and check and could feel the edge getting sharper in diferent areas. First on heel then toe and the middle is getting there a bit at a time. My stones are lapped flat and i can shave arm hair on the toe and heel and its slowly moving toward the middle. Am I on the right track and just keep working it evenly on the 1k untill it all shaves hair. I guess im worried that im over honing or is this normal.
Thanks for any help
Glenn Collins