Well... this is weird, now that I think about it; I was shopping for a Norton 4k/8k combo and wound up buying a coticule. I felt it was too good a deal to pass up.

Now the dilemma is this: should I just hold on to it and use it as a finisher, after I save up a little to get the Norton or should I try the unicot method?

I must admit that it's killing me to have it sitting here and not using it, and I have at least ten razors I could try it on, plus three chinese ones that I could practice on, but I'm unsure if trying this would be the right way to start honing.

Your thoughts are encouraged and appreciated.

And since I'm asking... can one use the backing stone too? It looks like it would be fine honing with it, but I haven't seen it mentioned as a 'usable' surface.

Thanks for your time.