I just finished honing my first razor - a JR Torrey Army stamped model with little prior use. After rewatching Bill's video on honing and realizing I needed about 2 pounds of pressure on the Norton to start, I was delighted that it got nice and sharp using a thumbnail test and a comparison to my other shave ready razors. (This was after my first few unsuccessful pyraminds where I was not applying any pressure).

In any event, after a quick tuneup on 1u and .5u pastes with Tony's pasted strop, and about 50 or so laps on a hanging strop, I gave it a try. Fortunately, nice and sharp but I suffered 3 or 4 cuts which I didn't expect. Got out the radioshack 100 power scope and noticed a small chip, about 15% of the width of the edge (not the width of the blade) that is not visible to my naked eye. Should I work with the 4k side of my Norton at 90% to simulate a grind or would I be better off taking the blade over to a friend who has a bench grinder and starting from scratch. I don't currently own any coarser stones although I do have plenty of sandpaper and a marble tile.

The JR Torrey is a learner that I bought for restoration and honing practice for under $10 delivered. Howerver, it seems like a nice razor so I don't desire to ruin it.