Several members seem to have made their own bench hones, but I can't find a good how-to thread. I'm hoping to flush out some of that info here.

I have some 4" wide honey brown leather from Tony that I'd like to make into a nice bench hone for some CRO2. I went to Home Depot and bought a granite tile, which they cut for me into three 4" x 8" pieces.

So here are my questions so far:
-How do I prep the leather? I soaked it for a couple of hours in water and I'm now drying it under a stack of books. Beyond that, any suggestions?
-Is there an easy way to smooth the cut edges of the tile somewhat?
-What should I use to glue the leather to the tile?
-Should I bevel the edges of the leather, and if so, how?
-Should I worry about making the leather go all the way to the edge of the stone, or would it be OK to have the leather slightly smaller than the piece of tile?
-Any pitfalls you wish you knew about before making yours?
-Do I need to dress the strop after it dries before applying the CRO2?
-Any suggestions for making a balsa wood version of this strop?

I don't have any CRO2 yet, so I'm hoping someone who has a quantity would be willing to share for the right price.
