Hey all,

I spent many hours on my new, freshly-lapped, Nortons this weekend. First of all, I'm amazed at how quick improvement can come. I was using two hands for awhile because I just couldn't keep the blade flat on the hone one-handed. Using the pinky to adjust height was useless - I had no touch at all, it was either too far up or too far down and I just couldn't find a middle ground. Then I slowed waaayyy down, made sure my strokes were as close to perfect as I could get them, and before too long (and a couple of breaks to calm down and let my muscles re-set) I was seeing vast improvements. Happy times.

Here are the problems I still need help with -

I went ahead and shaved with three razors today, the two I had honed and my "shave ready" razor honed by Larry over at Whipped Dog. My two razors did cut, but were just a little rougher than Larry's.

I've read plenty of threads about how inaccurate and misleading the HHT can be, but my "shave ready" razor will easily mow down the "treetops" of my arm hairs, and I see gssixgun getting those results as soon as the bevel is set, and I just can't get my newly-honed razors to do it.

I *can* pass the HHT after progressing past the 8k and then stropping with CrOx and leather, but only in the center of the blade (which is most likely a problem with my stroke missing the heel and toe).

any advice on; A: getting my razors smoother, B: passing HHT at the 1k or 4k level, and C: sharpening up the heels and toes?