Hello Ladies and Gents,

I do admit that I am a new honer. I am using a select grade coti. It is my only hone as budget does not allow me multiple honing options right now.

I have set a great bevel, and the razor shaves arm hair easily. I cannot seem to refine the edge enough to pass a HHT. I feel the catch with the TPT. I have used Lynn Abram's method with the best results thus far.

1.)40 circles on heavy slurry both ways w/pressure 10 X strokes with pressure
2.)40 circles on medium slurry both ways with pressure, 40 circles both ways no pressure, and 10 x strokes no pressure.
3.) 10 to 20 x strokes no pressure on a light slurry.
4.) 10 to 20 x strokes on water no pressure.

I shaved with it this morning, it was passable, but not smooth.

Any suggestions on getting this razor to a higher level of keeness? I do not tape the spine.

Thanks everyone!
