For those of you that use a Coticule you find this interesting.

I purchased a small Coticule stone from Randy a while back (thanks again) to build slurry on a larger Coticule I have. Like the Nagura stone I use there is quite a bit a surface tension between the two making the process of building a slurry not difficult but...I thought it could be easier.

After bouncing an idea off Randy I came up with the following. I used a mini hacksaw (blade .015 thick) and made cuts a bit shallower than a 1/16" deep and about a 1/4" apart. I didn't want to go deeper than this because if it didn't work I could lap them out, and at this depth I'm not concerned with the stone chipping out.

I have tried it out and am very pleased with the results. The modification builds slurry much quicker and with much less effort.