So I'm just getting started with honing after a bit of RAD. I purchased the whippeddog 1/4 cut Norton stones first which are quite difficult to use. I was able to get a decent enough edge to shave on, but nothing like i had gotten from razors which i had bought from other members. The best of these I was told was last touched up on a Naniwa 12k when i bought it. So i found a set of 8k/12k Naniwa's for sale in the B/S/T and I went for it figuring i could make due with my 1/4 Norton in lower grits for a little while. I plan on getting the 1k/5k Naniwa's eventually for a complete honing range. My question is once a razor has a well set bevel is it possible to keep it up to shave readiness with a 12k honing stone indefinitely ? Maybe using the 8k>12k if you let it go too long? Or will you always/should reset the bevel at some point?