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Thread: My Tenacity Pays Off !!!

  1. #1
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Default My Tenacity Pays Off !!!

    I grabbed one of the razors out of small pile I collected via eBay and vintage shops for practicing yesterday.

    It is an E.E. Dyer from High Falls NY (I have not found anything in my Google searches about them),

    I had to put this one down a time or three, the steel is really hard, it did not want have a bevel set on it.

    To top it off it has a very slight warp of about .01” near the toe (yes I poked under it with my feeler gauges).

    I just would not give up; I finally had to shut my eyes to get rid of any feedback other than sound and feel.

    A few strokes and corrections to the stroke and pressure and off we were to try again.

    It took awhile but it took the bevel, so off we were for the remaining progression.

    After I figured out what this blade wanted and how it wanted it WOW.

    It took a screaming edge.

    Any way when I shaved today I only did WTG pass on the left side of my face so I would have something to shave test with if I figured this one out.

    So after the finish stropping I took it to the skin... butter, smooth, no drag.

    It did not feel like I was touching my face. So when I finished I tried a round of the HHT just to see.

    This blade is dropping the hair silent, and slicing it with a slight pop if I turn the hair around and angle toward the tip.

    If this bad boy holds an edge look out, I may have just found a new favorite, and I will be looking for more U.S. Steel.

    Thanks for reading

    ScoutHikerDad and BobH like this.

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  3. #2
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pfries View Post
    Any way when I shaved today I only did WTG pass on the left side of my face so I would have something to shave test with if I figured this one out.

    So after the finish stropping I took it to the skin... butter, smooth, no drag.

    It did not feel like I was touching my face. So when I finished I tried a round of the HHT just to see.

    This blade is dropping the hair silent, and slicing it with a slight pop if I turn the hair around and angle toward the tip.

    If this bad boy holds an edge look out, I may have just found a new favorite, and I will be looking for more U.S. Steel.

    Thanks for reading

    The shave test is the ONLY one that matters as you can see.

    Most U.S. steel razors are of the harder type, so if you do your job right shaving and taking care of the blade it should last you a VERY long time. Congratulations on your only gets better!
    pfries likes this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  4. #3
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Wow, you were really using the force on that one. Eyes closed! Good work.

    It's a true pleasure to shave with a really sharp razor you hone yourself.

    “there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to nonlethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.”---Fleming

  5. #4
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjsorkin View Post
    Wow, you were really using the force on that one. Eyes closed! Good work.

    It's a true pleasure to shave with a really sharp razor you hone yourself.

    I have a few here I have done myself.

    Early on I quit trying to make the razor do what I wanted and started paying attention to what it was telling me it needed if that makes sense.

    This one was a completley different feel on the hones. I guess you could say we had some communication issues to start.

    The harder steel does not give the same type of resistance of the German steel I have done to point.

    My first pro honed razor should be here soon and I am realy looking forward to the test drive.

    I graduated from a shavett style so I know sharp but I am just learning smooth and comforable.
    Last edited by pfries; 03-03-2013 at 11:18 PM.
    mjsorkin and sharptonn like this.

  6. #5
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    American stuff from 1890 or so on seems rock-hard to me as well. Lots of strokes involved, for me anyway!
    Glad you got it done! NOW, get another old blade and do it again!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  7. #6
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    American stuff from 1890 or so on seems rock-hard to me as well. Lots of strokes involved, for me anyway!
    Glad you got it done! NOW, get another old blade and do it again!
    One I had Glen scale (Torrey ¼ or ½ hollow was never sure on that one) will be back with in a day or two along with the almost wedge

    (Sheffield that he re scaled and honed) and of course my new Elk Antler brush with Tiger-eye.

    Tue. or Wed. I should see that local piece of history I bought and be giving it a go.

    So tell me when does this supposed RAD set in?

  8. #7
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pfries View Post

    So tell me when does this supposed RAD set in?
    Start with the Torrey! That will cure your RAD for a while!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  9. #8
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Start with the Torrey! That will cure your RAD for a while!

    Glen said 3 to 4 layers of tape for that one,

    it was one of my first acquisitions intended for practice, and it sounds like it may not be overly serviceable for every day shaving.

    But hey if I can bring that one back my technique should be solid by the end of it…

    Always look on the bright side of Life....

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