Sometimes you will find yellow belgians with a natural blue back. Mine is one like that. These are relatively rare because it is only possible to cut them like that if the yellow was on the edge of the seam, and happened to be backed by a relatively straight /even piece of blue stone.

However, you should not automatically assume that you can actually use the blue for razor honing.

After lapping my blue a couple of times, a dirty blackish vein emerged on the blue surface.
I can feel the difference between the seam and the rest of the stone when my razor touches it.

Lucky for me it is located at the end of the stone, so I can use the rest, though there are several tiny inclusions throughout the rest of the blue as well.

I think that unless you can inspect the stone yourself (or have someone whom you trust do it for you), do not assume that the blue side will be perfect. given that there is almost guaranteed to be a layer of crud between the yellow and the blue seams, you might end up with a nasty surprise.