I have the following two knives. A Swiss Army one I never use and a cheap Chinese one I got for like $6 in a mall, pics following

I see that Vintage Blades LLC has a couple of Bokers for a great price and $40 seems reasonable to me. I usually just open up boxes, packages, maybe strip wires, so I dont have a need I think for something all that fancy. You may tell me I just need to keep the blue Chinese one I have, but feel free to comment on the knives at Vintage and tell me what I should look for. Oh, and if anyone wants to make an offer for the Swiss Army, feel free, as I have not opened it in 5 years other than to take this picture. I got it as a gift. Feel free to PM me and tell me what I could sell it for, as I'd also like to get some DR Harris Pink aftershave