Hello to all in this forum,

I am of course new to straight razor shaving and look forward to using my new straight razors that I have just bought. I just recently sent the first one that I got off the internet out to Straight Razor Designs to have honed, I want to make sure my first shave will be a wonderful experience.

I've had a barber in the past use a straight razor on me and found that it didn't hurt like it does when I use a regular 3 or 4 bladed shaver that I normally use, it was a pleasant shaving experience. Sometimes even when I have just replaced the blades I still find that it tugs or pulls on the hairs before its able to cut them, not very pleasant feeling at all.

I hope to get a pleasant shaving experience like I had at the barber using the straight razor as a replacement to the shaver that I have been using for the past several years, if everything goes well I will be a straight razor fan indefinitely.