Ed, thanks for the offer. Just found they have body shops in the US. I'm in a Portland OR suburb, 30 miles from downtown Portland where the shop is. I can easily get there on public transportation (driving and parking are a bear in downtown). About one hour each way with an iPod mini and a good book an easy trip. Its currently on sale for 9.40USD. Even a small sample with mailing costs from Australia would be prohibitive. And if I didn't like it I'd have to lie to you because you spent your,good money to get it to me and I'd feel bad if I told you otherwise. Anyway, I do have to curb my SAD, sad as it is. I need to conserve a little money because I'm fleshing out (bad pun) my razor collection to have at least one of almost all kinds of shaving instruments. I've already gout coming an old injector razor and a beautiful Christy single edge razor. Only thing left is going to be hard to find. An old three piece Gillette double edge razor. It will be difficult to find because I have a specific image in mind. When my dad passed back in the 70's I was living in another state and couldn't get back even for his funeral. My two older brothers, who have always treated me as the black sheep of the family, didn't even have the courtesy to ask if there was anything of his I wanted. And it was the razor that I watched him shave with everyday. I know I am going to have to compromise of it but I am patient and when I see one that looks like, or is close to, it I will put bids on it that no one else can touch. Wow!some rant, sorry for that and I fee better now.