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Thread: Climbing Back in the Saddle

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Gosnells Perth Western Australia
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    Thats the first I heard of stuff on gum tree. Might have to start looking. My ads are bad. There really should be a disclaimer when you first get to the site. I've been broke ever since joining. Lots of nice toys though.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Perth, West Oz
    Thanked: 2


    Took my Harmonie over the Coti for a touch up as I had left this one unoiled in storage. A bit of oxidation in the slurry. 50 laps in very light slurry. 50 laps on water. 80 on fabric. 50 on leather...crunch time.

    Just a WTG on both cheeks and a slide down the neck WTG on the bit I remember being the easiest. A bit of faffing with angle at the start and a sprinkling of fear haha! Reasonable reduction, no cuts and a few things to take away for next time like needing a slicker lather than DE. I'm calling it a success. Tidied up with a 34c merkur.

    At least the blade has met the face again
    MickR likes this.

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