Hello from Northern Virginia! I’m new to the forum, but not new to being frustrated by the prices of disposable razor blades. The straw that broke the camel’s back was this past weekend while out shopping with the wife and finding out it was going to cost me 100 bucks for 40 disposable blades. Right now I ’m just in the shadows absorbing all of this knowledge that right in front of me in black and white that is on this site along with watching allot of YouTube videos. I’m wrestling with the idea of buying a cheap straight razor to practice the art of honing, but still on the fence. Buy cheap buy twice has always been my motto. As probably like allot of newcomers I want to jump right into things, but I’m taking my time on this voyage so that it is a long lasting enjoyable experience. My wife looked at me with Crazy eyes when I told her that I’m going to start shaving with a straight razor, but now she insists that I must buy a Dovo since it comes from her home country. Go figure... The Dovo “Bismarck” with the mother of pearl inlay is a beautiful looking, but I have yet to take the plunge into what brand or style of blade that I will buy. I’m open to advice from other members. I wanted to say thank you to those who have established this site and help run it to fuel my new hobby. Thanks Again