Hello all,

Just wanted to post a quick introduction. I got my first straight razor set for my 30th birthday at the beginning of October. I decided to jump in after going through the forums here and the many videos available on Youtube. I was just so damn frustrated with the amount of money that I was spending on replacement cartridges. I never really noticed before because I would just by four packs whenever I needed them. What really made me stop and think about the money I was spending was when I had to purchase them in bulk while I was deployed. It also made me think about the amount of landfill waste that was being generated by just me with all these plastic cartridge heads and multiple metal blades.

My wife picked me up a shaving set from the Art of Shaving here in VA. I think that we have at least two in the DC area. I feel the store has its pros and cons (which I've posted about on this forum). So far I've enjoyed the morning ritual (even though I need to wake up early).

Very Respectfully,

(Silent Service)