Hi there. As you might have guessed from where this is posted that I am new here.
So first a bit about me. I am 18 years old and a college student. I have only been shaving for 2 years but nonetheless I still want to get into the straight razor thing. My dad started me out on the new cartridge thing, but around the time I started shaving he discovered "wet shaving" so I now use a 1950's fat boy Gillet razor (the drop in safety razor thing). I want to learn how to use a straight razor because, first off it is awesome, and B, Sweeney Todd is one of my favorite musicals. I am a little nervous about it though.
What I am looking for is advice and equipment. I have a crappy brush but it was my grandfather's so I want to keep using it. Other than that though I have nothing. As I said before I am a college student so I am broke, if I could keep it under $100 that would be fantastic. I don't know how feasible that is but I can't do much more than that. Any advice would be a huge help.