I'm Dan (hence "Dapper")-

My curiosity with straight-edge shaving has probably always been with me. The stereotypical male fascination with sharp implements never seems to abate, even with age and experience. So having taken up woodworking as an all-out passion somewhat recently, and getting familiar with good tools (mostly hand-tools) I have acquired an even deeper, stronger need for "sharp" as it were. Keen. Awesome word, keen. Say it with me...


Anyways, I can sharpen and hone a frightening chisel (to, which I have noted, a *standardized* 8000 grit stone).
During a visit to some Japanese knife sites (eBay-the works, everywhere else) I stumbled upon a most manly and handsome, hand-forged Japanese shaving razor. I didn't bite, though I am hooked. It has occurred to me that I must learn to shave with a straight razor. I must.
I must own, sharpen, hone, shave and maintain my very own shaver. Or razor. Or razors. Many.


I hate shaving.
Methinks that might change were it to become a more personal rite.

Having not pulled the metaphorical trigger, I will remain for awhile in the background here and educate myself as best I can.

Thanks for having me!