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Thread: Beginner

  1. #1
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    Red face Beginner

    Hello from The Bronx! My name is Travler and I am considering using a classical straight razor to shave.
    I do have a big question. On vintage straight they sell a beginner set for $49 , $69 , and $89. Is anyone formilar with these sets and are they any good?
    Thanks and I know I have alot to learn. Hopfuly I will be a good student.

  2. #2
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    You have come to the right place for str8 razor shaving info. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have and you can be sure someone here will chime in with the answer. Be sure to check out the Beginners Tips on the SRP home page. In the mean time be sure to watch as many videos as you can and check out the WIKI's, a lot of good stuff in there.

    As far as vintage straight goes I personally have no experience with them so I'll withhold any comment but I'm sure someone who has will chime in shortly with your answer.

    Enjoy your str8 razor shaving journey and good luck! Happy Shaving!
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I think, but don't quote me, that these kits really aren't any good, if my memory serves there are quite a few threads about this vendor.
    If you use the search function on the top right of your screen you may well find some of these threads.
    Regards ed.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    There is a current active thread about someone having received an xmas gift of a razor from the wbsite you mention. The blade is inferior and their return policy is poor. Stay away.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    When it comes to strops , I would go with the SRD modular paddle strop. It has more than one function and when you knick a strop just replace that module. I would get a Semouge boar brush in the $20-$25 range. For soap I would use Proraso in the white or green tube. They easily lather. So, aside from the razor itself, this kit will run you a hundred and some change, but it is a good setup for the money. Goodluck.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. For kits all the site vendors are great with quality products or for a cheaper option try whipped dog. Good luck. Ed
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  7. #7
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    Just to tack onto eddy79's reply, if you do a search in the Forums for "whipped dog" or "whippeddog", you'll find that several members have used that option for an inexpensive but shave-ready razor. Full disclosure: I very recently put in an order with that vendor but haven't received it yet, so don't take this as a testimonial from me (yet).
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  8. #8
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    Thank you to all that responded. Im not sure how to respond to everyone at once but I hope this works.
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  9. #9
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    I went to whipped dog but he didnt have any kits. Should I put one together or call and see if he can do it for me? If I have to do it my self What would be a good razor to start with? I have been looking a Devo but they are expensive.

  10. #10
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Larry, the guy behind Whipped Dog, has a good reputation for being helpful and selling quality stuff. Give him a call or e-mail him, he'll help you out!

    As for a good razor to start with, the key is something hand-honed to shave-ready. In the classifieds here there are many razors to be found.
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