So, I have been wet shaving with a DE for a little while, and after hanging out at /r/wicked_edge I wanted to try a straight razor.
I found some old razors around flea markets etc, and needed to get them shave ready. W_E pointed me to birnando here on the forums, as I also live in Oslo, Norway.

He was very helpful, and set up two of my razors yesterday. I used one of them right after I came home, but started easy and finished my neck with my DE.

Ive had good DE-shaves for a while, but this morning my neck had stubbles while the rest did not. Weeee!
Now I just need to practice my stropping and learn not to make mince meat of my neck and things should be sweet!

Kudos to birnando! Very helpful with setting up two of my knives, and he even lent me his Norton 4k/8k so I could practice on that and see how I liked it before I ordered one for myself!