Hey everyone!

I'm Sean, a Canadian, 27 years old, studying and working full time in Beijing, China.

I spent 5 years in the military before traveling abroad, and had to shave daily. To be honest, I didn't enjoy it. However, it got me thinking about alternative, more enjoyable ways of shaving. Ever since then I have been interested in straight razor shaving, not just as a good shave, but an enjoyable routine, and as a hobby. I found this site, and finally decided to take the plunge.

It's the best time however, because I am working to pay tuition, and on a budget. I also don't have as many options here in Beijing:

1) I could buy a chinese brand, such as gold dollar; which will be honed by the seller. But to be honest, I don't want to start my learning curve with a poor quality substitute. I also don't trust the honing skills.

2) I could a good brand. Either vintage, or new. Majority are Dovo, there are others, but the lowest starting price is $100, and they are generally sent as is. I don't want to buy a good razor, and before even trying a shave, spending more money on the equipment to hone it, and no doubt, messing it up.

3) Buy online from some of the reputable websites, where i will get a trusted honemeister to do an excellent job, where I can hit the ground running but I am still going to pay about $100, AND quite a bit of shipping..

So my options are slim right now, but I am going to stick around here, learn as much as I can, and just keep looking. (maybe start off practicing technique with a shavette?)

Anyways, this is a great site, and I'm happy to be a part of it!
