I have been reading about how to begin with a straight and I must admit I am overwhelmed. My current razor is a fairly aggressive OC and I believe I am ready to join the straight razor community.

I have wanted to use a straight for years but believed that starting out with a DE would be helpful. I suppose it's the crawl before you walk mentality.

Regardless, I am here and I am eager to get my first setup (razor, strop and whatever else is recommended). I am fortunate to have some nice brushes and good soaps so I will not be starting from scratch. However, I am having troubles with the first step.

It is a difficult decision for me. From what I read on another message board, most agree you will damage your razor and strop during the initial learning curb.

I can't find the balance between expense and quality.

I have received conflicting views on this point. Some say buy an inexpensive setup because I can learn and not suffer serious financial consequences when I incur damage.

Others suggest quality and that any damage can be repaired.

I am trying to find a balance but I must admit I hate buying low quality items.

Take care,