Hi guys.

I have yet to even shave with a straight. Never actually thought I would, then began to listen to Mustache and Blade. Actually learned of this forum from the Lynn Abrams interview, and it was all down hill from there. Now, I've got a razor and strop package on its way, from SRD. In fact, it should be arriving tomorrow. I've only been shaving with a DE razor, for a bit over a month, but couldn't resist. How do you guys keep from buying one of these things a week? They all just look so cool.

Anyway, thought I should say, "Hi!", and all. It's the polite thing to do, since I'll probably come begging for help, eventually.

The razor I ordered is a Dovo-Inox 5/8 Ebenholz, and the strop is a 3" English Bridle, with the fabric upgrade. Intended to go with an entry level blade and strop, but it was all just so pretty. At least I did resist the Bismark. Wanted the stainless blade, but almost went for the bling, instead.

Name:  a88a86685411cfbf7c365dc9cc1f428a.image.541x550.jpg
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Size:  13.4 KB Anyway, happy to be here. Cheers, everyone.