Hello All,

My name is Spiro. I am an Undergraduate Microbiology Major at Michigan State University. When I first started shaving, I used a cheap electric shaver. However, I quickly switched over to cartridge razors like the Gillette Fusion because the electric shaver couldn't give me the clean shave I wanted. I have since found out that I have very sensitive skin and very tough, corse facial hair. With this combination, cartridge razors left my face cut up and covered in razor burn no matter what I tried.

I started shaving with a Straight Razor last week, and so far, the experience is infinitely better. I have used it for full shaves several times already with great results. In all my shaves so far I have had no razor burn and only one or two nicks total between them all, so I am very happy so far with Straight Razor shaving as a whole. WTG shaves have been going flawlessly. When I do XTG or ATG it seem to be much tougher. There is a lot more tugging and resistance here, as apposed to the WTG where the razor glides easily down my face. While I feel this is probably pretty normal, I think there is more tugging on the XTG and ATG shaves then there should be. Does anyone have any thoughts here?