Been thinking about using a straight razor off and on for a long time. Getting tired of spending $42 for a pack of blades that are thrown away and attached to a plastic handle. Would rather spend money on things that I can hold and will always have.

Ordered a Ralf Aust 5/8th and kit from SRD (upgraded to a 3" strop). Hoping it will be delivered today. Almost ordered a cheap kit from another company but decided if I'm going to do this I'm going to start with quality. Pretty excited about getting it.

I've had the last two days off work and have spent a great deal of time reading here to get ready. Although I haven't put blade to face yet, I've learned a lot and will be taking it slow and starting with just one cheek and working my way from there. If I had not read so much I would have just gone at my whole face blindly.

I'm just an old cop (37 years and counting) kind of old school, carry a 1911, smoke a pipe and reload on a single stage press, so this should fit me well.

In any case thanks for what I've been able to learn so far and in advance for all that I will learn.