
I wanted to introduce myself. I have been using DE razors for a few years now and enjoy it very much. I have gone through all types of AD you can imagine, soaps, razors, brushes, etc...
Guess what, now I'm getting a little bored and decided to venture into straights
Not sure if I have already a new AD, but it sure is looking it. I've watched tons of videos on stropping, honing, shaving, etc... It is fascinating.
I have recently purchased my first straight, a Towa 220. I have a thing with Japanese people and stuff. I'm married to a Japanese descendant I also bough a couple of Kamisoris and a SRD modular paddle strop. I think I'm set to start giving it a try and will need much of your guys help along this journey.
Sorry about the long introduction, but I'm really excited about this.