I'm Aloysious, and I haven't seen my face without hair, since my beard was brown and blond. It's mostly gray now.
I quit shaving because I couldn't wrap my brain around the price of razor blades, and just used a beard trimmer.
I recently heard about Harry's on the radio, and purchased a debit card so that I could buy a Harry's razor; but they don't take debit cards. By then I had my heart set on feeling my skin, and began searching for good cheap razors, found DE's, began searching for them, tried joining other forums for advice... but couldn't join them on my phone, and found myself here.
My dad had a beard and never taught me to shave; so, this is all new to me. I've only used disposable razors and razors with disposable heads; and, I thought they provided the closest shave.
I tried my Grandpa's old saftey razor once about 35 years ago, and shredded my face.
The reviews I found while searching for a razor, made me consider DE's or straight razors.
Any advice?